Hi Folks,
I just courius, is there any mapping schema between Navision tables in MS. SQL and in Navision DB? :?:
For example, there's
integer_ table in Navision Std DB, but I can't find it in MS.SQL (although I have used the same backup and restore DB)! :shock:
Anyone could tell me what's going on here?
That's all about it, Thank you.
All tables that you can see in object designer are created in SQL. Tables, that are not there are virtual tables and are created by application (table Integer, File, Field etc.)
Other tables are named <companyname>$<tablename> when there is data per company else only <tablename> is used (with char conversion).
Tables <companyname>$<number>$<number> are SIFT tables for calculating FlowFields.
MVP - Dynamics NAV