I have a developing question. I want to create three fields in the
Item table:
- Astore: Flowfield that calculates how many items are in the A
store. This is the Calcformula property:
Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE (Location Code=CONST(Astore),Item
- Bstore: Flowfield that calculates how many items are in the B
store. This is the Calcformula property:
Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE (Location Code=CONST(Bstore),Item
- TotalStore: Flowfield that sums A and B store. How I do it?
I need to applying filters to Totalstore field. For example:
Using a table Item function and doing the call on AfterGetRecord Trigger
form is not a good solution for me.
This is an example, I need to adding two or more flowfield fields in a
Thanks for your help.
You can create a flowfilter field like "Store Filter" similar to "Location Filter" and calculate the Sum not based on the two flowfields but by applying the Sum logic on the field.
The formula that I have to use it in TotalStore flowfield is more complex. Is like this:
TotalSotre:=Inventory+"Qty. on Purch. Order"-(AStore+"Qty. on Sales Order"+"Qty. on Sales Deposit"
+"Qty. on Production orders"+"Minimum stock"+BStore)
How I do it if all of the fields in this formula are flowfields?
Why you don't want to use a function? If not, you have to use normal field and update its value when you need it or while posting etc.
I need a flowfield because there are a lot of points in Dynamics that I have to update this value manually. It's a value that is linked with stock.
One solution would be update this value on table triggers, but not always a field is added/updated/deleted with TRUE parameter.