NextControl - Integer ID Only?

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

I have a form with 20 or so controls (label & text) and after several re-arrangements of the position & oder of the controls the tab order is a mess. It looks like NAV sort of locks in a tab order at some point, and further edits to the layout of the form don't effect an update to that order.

Now that the layout is stable, the nextcontrol property is exactly what I want to use to 'stamp' in the tab order I want. But ...

Because i needed code in the form to change the controls editable property depending circumstances, on many of the controls I overwrote the default ID (like <control12345678>) with readable names (like WidthControl).

Now, when I try to set the NextControl property of a control with a name like WidthControl NAV barks at me (You cannot enter WidthControl in ...). Typical of NAV, there's no explanation why.

So, I guess NAV will only accept an integer ...

If that's the case, then I guess there's no way of having human-readable control IDs (for use in the form's code) and be able to set NextControl properties with those names. ](*,)

Unless I've missed something ...


  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    Yup - missed something - was confusing Name for ID.

    #-o :oops:
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