Some questions with profiles in RTC...

FranklinFranklin Member Posts: 253
edited 2010-03-31 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everybody!!

I have some doubts as to the subject of profiles in the RTC.

2000000072 Table there are two fields which are:

- Owner SID
- ID of owner

What differences are there?

And then the table 2000000073 (User personalization) to serve, that information collected?


  • DuikmeesterDuikmeester Member Posts: 309
    Owner SID is the code as it is stored in AD: S-0-0-00-0000000000-0000000000-0000000000-0000
    Owner ID is the name: DOMAIN\user

    2000000072 Profile: Store the profiles, which Role Center that role has and who can change default settings (Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure)
    2000000073 User Personalization: Stores what role an user has and in what language the RTC is started.
  • FranklinFranklin Member Posts: 253
    Okay, if I have an user for example DOMAIN / ADMINISTRATOR and I want to access the profile President 9019. In which tables have to tell?

    I just do not want to access the profile for this user but it always accesses the default profile.

    I don´t understand anything.

    Always I access the same profile but change the default, perhaps i need to restart a service or do something special to pick up the changes...


    Ok i always access to the profile in the table 2000000073.
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