Top 10 Customers-based on orders

nbangazanbangaza Member Posts: 30
Hi All,

I have to create a report that lists the top 10 customers based on their orders..So if we have 130 customers i need to display the top 10 customers that have the most amount of orders. I need to display the customer along with the total amount for that customer orders. i tried using report 111 (Customer - Top 10 List) as a starting point but this report doesnt help me much as it is based on the customer table and not on the sales of the customer.



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Well are you tdefing top sales as what?

    Total Value paid by customer ?
    Total amount of items sold to customer?
    Total amount of 'order' documents posted against customer?

    Look at the customer statistics forms

    I thought the
  • nbangazanbangaza Member Posts: 30
    I want the total amount of 'order' documents placed by the customer for example if
    customer1 total orders is $5000
    customer 2 $6400
    customer3 $4000
    ...and so on

    but then i want them in order of highest to lowest(customer2 will be the first one) but the report must give the top10 customers
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    nbangaza wrote:
    i tried using report 111 (Customer - Top 10 List) as a starting point but this report doesnt help me much as it is based on the customer table and not on the sales of the customer.

    ON my options tab there is a choice for Sales or Balance.
    Select Sales.
    If you need to limit it for a period add "Date Filter" to the Customer Filter.
    I have it listed as report 10062. Is you're 111 that much different?

    Now if your talking about the Physical # of orders (This Customer has placed 10 orders this year) then that's a small modification that will take just a few minutes to solve.
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    nbangaza wrote:
    I want the total amount of 'order' documents placed by the customer for example if
    customer1 total orders is $5000
    customer 2 $6400
    customer3 $4000
    ...and so on

    but then i want them in order of highest to lowest(customer2 will be the first one) but the report must give the top10 customers

    You need to define what you mean by "orders" do you mean open orders, maybe you mean sales? maybe you mean all orders. If you really do want all orders, then that can not be done in Navision because the data is not available.
    David Singleton
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    If you want to check out mine it's here: ... yY3I&hl=en

    But I've added a flowfield to the customer table called "No. of Orders"
    "No. of Orders" Type Integer
    FieldClass = Flowfield
    CalcFormula = Count("Cust. Ledger Entry" WHERE (Customer No.=FIELD(No.),Posting Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Document Type=FILTER(Invoice)))

    It behaves just like the Sales & Balance flowfields so it makes adding this choice to the Top_Customers List
    The attached report has 3 choices By Sales, By Balance & No. of Orders.
    You might have to alter Sales ($) to Sales(VAT) or however your fields are named.
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