Production Schedule Gannt Component - OLE Automation Error

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I am using NAV Classic Client 6.00 against a version 4 objects native database. I want to start using the production schedule feature, but each time I click on the menu option I get the 'Could not create an instance of the OLE control or Automation server .....' error. I've tried uninstalling NAV and re-installing, taking care to select the Gannt chart component, but it makes no difference. I've had the same problem on both XP and Windows 7 machines. The Gannt EXE and associated DLLs appear to have been installed in the NAV client folder correctly. When double-clicking the 'NavisionGanntServer.exe' (which should register the component), it gives an error message Operation Failed.

Any ideas?


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