Responsability center

clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
I want to use responsability center to give permission to some user to use only their location but not others.
But it seems to be only a filter.
How i can do it?


  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    a) Define the Resposibility Centres.

    b) Then you can assign the responsibility center to the users using User setup.

    C) Now system will allow to view only that Responsibility centres PO/SO.
  • clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
    Yes but I can view but nothing can stop me to use another location.
    If I want to sell from a location that not in my user setup i can do it!!!
  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    clembo wrote:
    Yes but I can view but nothing can stop me to use another location.

    Understand the Difference between Responsibility centre and Location. Don't mix these two.
  • clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
    My problem is this. Users can use only location assigned.

    My company create two location: red and white
    User1 can view both location but can use (sell, purchase, etc.) only from red location.
    User2 can view and use both location.

    Can I do it in Nav without customization??
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    This is a security Setup

    Go Tools > security > Roles

    Pick Roles of the affected users and Find where it uses Location table

    Click Permissions then on security filter select Code field for location table then you enter the filter for RED

    You may be better off creating a new Role for these users EG ALL-LOCRED

    If you have everyone as a super user then you need to start allocating better security
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