I have created several footer bands, each band with different condictions for CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(). HOwever, I noted that blank lines are printed if the condition is false. Is there anyway I can suppress printing the blank lines?
Thanks for advice.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
i'm not sure if that will help with the footers but worth a shot - unless someone knows for sure?
the condition was set on the OnPreSection. Have tried with OnPostSection. No difference.
PrintOnlyDetails - if set to Yes, at Sales Line, nothing gets printed at all even though there are details. When set at Sales Header, the document prints fine. However, the footer concerned still have a big gap -- due to the number of lines in the footer band.
So, suppose your report has a Customer dataitem, with the following footer sections:
My solution is to create three new Integer dataitems, with DataItemTableView set to SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)). Note that the sections are not indented under Customer, so they will be triggered only after all the Customer records have been processed.
Now in CF1 (and similarly for CF2, CF3) put the code (you might have to use BREAK instead of SKIP).
There is a second alternative. It is not so useful if the footers have lots of controls, but suppose they just contain a label "This is Footer 1", "This is Footer 2", "This is Footer 3". Then the three footers could be replaced by a single footer with a textbox (instead of label) with SourceExpr = MyFooterTxt; you would then have the following code:
Condition1: MyFooterTxt:= "This is Footer 1";
Condition2: MyFooterTxt:= "This is Footer 2";
Condition3: MyFooterTxt:= "This is Footer 3";
I hope this is clear enough.