First bank rec with detailed historical data

cvealecveale Member Posts: 135
Converted a client from their existing ERP package to NAV 5.0 SP1.
Their fiscal year is April 1 - March 31.
I imported in 7 years worth of historical data. Balanced it to a T.
Had the client cut off their system at the end of Jan 2010.
We did this then, because Year End is a gong show anyway, so we thought we would do this during 'down' time.
Everything has worked fine, but now the bank rec.
Bank rec was done in their old system up until Dec. 31 2009.
So they need to reconcile January 2010.
First off, I imported in the GL Transactions for the bank, but forgot to code it to line type 'bank'. So i have bypassed the bank sub ledger.

My proposed solution ??
Reverse the January gl bank entries, re-enter them with line type bank, this way they are back in the GL and in the bank subledger. (thus can be pulled into the bank rec)
Any O/S cheques and deposits from previous months, I need to find those transactions and 'retag' them as bank, so they also show up in the bank subledger (and the bank rec).
Does this make sense.

One more question, the bank opening balance. How should i tackle this? Because I want the bank balance and the GL bank balance to match.



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