Web Services - Notes and queries

eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
edited 2010-03-21 in NAV Three Tier
Thus far, problems I am having with WS (NAV2009W1 - Not SP 1) in a C# project:

1. Cannot have a disabled field on a table that is being accessed (even if it is a table that is being used way down the line in code - I promise the disabled field is not being referenced!) - You get an error message: The metadata for Table xyz is in a malformed state ... Field User Name must be enabled. And no, compiling object and refreshing web reference does not help. You have to remove the disabled fields entirely...?

2. You cannot have a blob field on a page that you are publishing as a web service - you won't be able to add it as a web reference in visual studio. (get a very long, unclear xml error)

3. Error messages that are too long that are thrown in NAV, **sometimes** causes unexplained/unexpected results - still need to tie this one down.

4. If all fields that compose the primary key are not on the page object, you will not be able to use the .READ(...) function in VS. only .READMULTIPLE(...)

5. In NAV all
have to be replaced with
I presume the same goes for CONFIRM(...).

Does anyone know if atleast #1 from above is fixed with SP1?
Hope this helps anyone else struggling as I have...

Kind Regards,
Ewald Venter


  • eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
    Ammendment to issue #1: It is a disabled flowfield.

    I added one to a table that is the source table of a page that I published as a web service that was working (did not add that field to the page object), and I was unable to Update the Web Reference.
    Kind Regards,
    Ewald Venter
  • RomulRomul Member Posts: 21
    eYe wrote:
    Ammendment to issue #1: It is a disabled flowfield.

    I added one to a table that is the source table of a page that I published as a web service that was working (did not add that field to the page object), and I was unable to Update the Web Reference.

    Curiously... :(
    I have NAV 2009 SP1. I have disabled Balance flowfield in Customer table. If I try to create Balance flowfield in Customer Page I would not be able to do it. The error will become.
    Consequently I will not be able to work with Balance field from the web service based on Customer Page.
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