Complie Object

bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
How can i Compile more than one Object simultaneously.
I mean does exist some function or something to compile it from code.
I know selecting more than one object how to compile(F11), but from code i don't know how.

any help!


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    What do you mean compile from code? Like compile more than one object when you view the C/AL code? In that case no, you can only compile the object you have open. It's not like Visual Studio where you compile an entire project. For that you'll need to add proper version tags to the modified objects, filter and select them from Object Designer, and compile there.
  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    Yes i mean to compile a report from C/AL code , i mean that if i can make a code unit to complie some of objects, in range from ex. 100.1000
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Well, technically yes. But it will just simulate keystrokes (SendKeys) to go through the menu and click compile.

    You are much better off just selecting the objects and compiling yourself. It's not all that complicated or time consuming. What is your reasoning behind not wanting to do this?
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