MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0 SP1

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2008-09-08 in Download section
MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0
Navision Developer’s Toolkit is designed to help you analyze, customize and update Navision applications. Regardless whether you are working as a Navision project manager, developer, supporter, trainer or sales person you will have to look behind the application.


Discuss this download here.


  • eperezeperez Member Posts: 8
    MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0 support Navision Attain 3.60?
  • AsallaiAsallai Member Posts: 142

    I always get an error message
    You do not have permission to run 'C/FRONT' System. Contact the system manager if you need to have your permission changed.

    I did step by step with the description...

    What should be the main problem? :?: Can anyone help me? :wink:
  • jmjm Member Posts: 156
    Hi Asallai,

    see the DevTool Manual.pdf on page 92:

    Installing the Navision Developer’s Toolkit
    Before you start the installation procedure, make sure that you have checked the
    following requirements to install and run Navision Developer’s Toolkit:
    · Operating system Windows 98 or Windows NT/2000/XP.
    · Computer with Pentium processor.
    · Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 4.00 or higher installed.
    · C/FRONT W1 4.00 or higher.
    · Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision license file (fin.flf) with permission to the
    granules C/FRONT and Navision Developer’s Toolkit available.

    especially the last requirement is important for you.

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • AsallaiAsallai Member Posts: 142
    Hi jm,

    My licence is contains access to the Object Designer, but only just limited object number.

    This DevTool is good for 3.7 too? :?
    Because maybe this is a main problem. In this case I misunderstood the whole thing, because I thought this version is good for the lower version number editions. But this is not, isn't it? :wink:

    Okay, thank you the help!


  • Timo_LässerTimo_Lässer Member Posts: 481
    The Navision Developer's Toolkit 2.00 (NDT) can also handle Database Versions <= 4.00 but it need a 4.00 database to store the informations. So Navision 4.00 must be installed.
    Further more you need C/FRONT for the access from NDT to Navision (<=4.00) and the special granule in your Navision license file (flf).
    Timo Lässer
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
    MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
  • jmjm Member Posts: 156
    Hi Asallai,

    the MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0 you can use for all
    textexport of Navision version 4.00 down to 1.20, also for 3.70.

    but your problem is that your licence must contain the
    granule 1.800 for C/FRONT and the granule 99.003.640 for
    the Navision Developer's Toolkit (Source Analyzer)
    and the granule 99.003.650 for the Navision Developer's Toolkit

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • AsallaiAsallai Member Posts: 142
    Hi All,

    Thank you the information. :lol:

    I'll try to find another way to resolve my plan :wink:

    Thank you again!

  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0 SP1
    Navision Developer’s Toolkit is designed to help you analyze, customize and update Navision applications. Regardless whether you are working as a Navision project manager, developer, supporter, trainer or sales person you will have to look behind the application.


    Discuss this download here.
  • sc00bysc00by Member Posts: 43
    MBS-Navision Developer's Toolkit v2.0 SP1

    I've tried a few times now and each time I try, the download runs for a short time then blows out!

    Is it just me or is there a problem here?


    select * from users where clue > 0

    0 Records returned.
  • emkproemkpro Member Posts: 47
    I have a license problem
    I cant run dev toolkit v1 nor v2 in my license file
    i have access to modules
    1,800 C/FRONT 1
    99,003,620 Developers Toolkit - Source Analyzer 1

    I still can not run dev toolkit it gives a permission error anyone has an idea what is wrong ???

    I have 99,003,620 but not 99,003,640 or 99,003,650 I couldn't understand why
    what 99,003,620 is for if not for dev toolkir ???

    As far as I know source analyzer is an extended license from compare&merge right ?
  • jjanauskasjjanauskas Member Posts: 49
    You can't trust this tool [-X because it has many bugs when it will not find all the places where the object is used.

    For instance: try to find where a record 112 is used together with MODIFY. It will find several places where the MODIFY is called (directly, o indirectly, for ex. with WITH) for the record, but it will not find a codeunit 315 which is very simple and also calls "MODIFY" for T112.

    It also has many problems with finding where form controls are used and so on.

    So, be careful with it.

    Justas Janauskas
  • jmjm Member Posts: 156
    Hi Justas,

    did you send a Service Request to MBS for thos error?

    Josef Metz
    Josef Metz
  • jjanauskasjjanauskas Member Posts: 49
    Hi Jozef,

    Yes I did. Hot fix with this and others bugs is going to be released approximately in Q4 this year.

    Justas Janauskas
  • nswausnswaus Member Posts: 12
    My Navision is Version W1 4.0 SP2(4.0 SP2). Could I use this tool kit?
    When I open database, it shows me "The database file cannot be used with this version of the program" and "Database Error: 1048".
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    nswaus wrote:
    My Navision is Version W1 4.0 SP2(4.0 SP2). Could I use this tool kit?
    When I open database, it shows me "The database file cannot be used with this version of the program" and "Database Error: 1048".
    It means your database is created by either an older version or a newer versions of Navision.
    With version DTK2.0 Build 291 (the latest I think) you must use a 4.0SP3 DB. So first you need to create a DB with version 4.0SP3, export all (or the objects you want to check) as text and import it in the NDT.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • erwin_pherwin_ph Member Posts: 1
    Is there a new version of the developer's toolkit that can open nav50sp1 databases?


    NaviWorld Philippines, Inc.
  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    See the message posted above your question. There is no need for a newer version of NDT.
    No support using PM or e-mail - Please use this forum. BC TechDays 2024: 13 & 14 June 2024, Antwerp (Belgium)
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