Cash Receips Journal and G/L Accounts

fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
I hope someone ever try this:

We have Navision 3.7 setup as Sales Tax. What we are looking is to affect G/L Taxes Accounts at posting time or with a report it does not really matter.

Here is an example
Posted Invoice create the following lines:
Accts Recvs 1,100
Sales 1,000
Tax to Credit 100

When we applied the payment this happens:
Banks 1,100
Accts Recvs 1,100

But the Tax did not get cancel. I want to do this:
Tax to Credit 100
Credited Tax 100

Any ideas?
I dont want to affect Tax Tables, or I might in case there is a way to affect Tax Tables and G/L Tables.

Thank you in advance.


  • KaetchenKaetchen Member Posts: 106
    Why would you want to cancel the tax?

    You debit the tax end of the month with you GST Settlement and transfer it to a balance account before it gets paid to IRD.
  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    That's exactly what I want to do.

    Cancel Tax to Credit
    And Affect Tax Credit

    Where is GST Settlement?
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