i am processing a sales order for an item that i don't have on stock. the unit cost of the item is zero.
i purchase the item and post the sales order.
The sales order is posted with a unit cost of zero, as the sytem does not refresh it while posting the order.
When checking the statistics of the posted invoice, the profit % is 100 as to be expected. The sales commision report and all sales report are also wrong.
any solution on this one :?:
i've run adjust cost item entries, the problem arises because at the time of posting the sales order, navision does not refresh the unit cost before proceeding with the updates.
Maybe write your own function that refreshes only "Unit Cost" in sales line. Beware of other fields that may be dependant on that change.
To overcome this you can enter Sales line with an item and all other data. Zoom it to get all values in Excel. Then change cost on Item card and then validate No. in Sales Line. Zoom again and compare which fields have changed. This way you can add your own function to update “Unit Cost” and other fields in sales line, before posting.
And finally the Unit cost on Item card is updated with Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job, so if your cost on Item Card is not up to date, neither your Statistics will be...
Maybe start to think to get statistics based on “Item Ledger Entries” and “Value Entries” instead of “Sales - Invoice Lines”...
Incidentally, if you create a sales order whilst there is no stock, the system will pick up a zero unit cost. However, if there is stock when you actually post the sales order (say a day or two after initial entry) although the unit cost is zero on the sales line, the system will use the correct average cost!
Remember that the cost used at time of posting is only the initial estimate, it can be changed by the Adjust Cost/Post Cost to GL periodic activities later the same day. For instance, if you have a receipt late in the day, prompting a new average cost, the adjust cost will adjust every stock movement for the item that took place on the same day, even if it was earlier in the day. This is because the adjust cost processes positive adjustments before the negatives when calculating an average for the day. In this case all the average costs used earlier in the day are automatically wrong.