Navi3.7 C/ODBC problem: cannot find tablelist

MHollenderMHollender Member Posts: 5

I am testing C/ODBC for Navi 3.7.

I installed it with I think mostly default settings:

Data Source: sc
Program Folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client
Connection: Local
Database Name: D:\Navi\fdb\helyesbit\helyesbit.fdb
Company Name: CRONUS Rt.
Password: ODBC (tested)
Commit Cache: Yes
DBMS Cache: 1000
Enable BLOB Fields: Yes
Identifiers: azAZ09 (to play it safe)
Option Fields: Text
Query timeout: Yes and 120
Read-Only: No
TMP Path: C:\
Closing Date: Yes
Use Regional Decimal: No
Language: Auto

Now, when I try to open it in Excel 2003, it says table list cannot be read.

And when I try the following Perl program:

use Win32::ODBC;

my $DSN = "sc";
if (!(my $db = new Win32::ODBC($DSN))){
print "Error connecting to $DSN\n";
print "Error: " . Win32::ODBC::Error() . "\n";

my @list=$db->TableList;
print "Number of bloody tables: ";
print scalar @list;

it happily prints zero. It can connect to the datasource, as it does not say error connecting, but no tablelist. The datasource seems to be empty.

I tried to trifle with all the settings, language etc. I also tried it on a machine where I am sure there never was another version of Navi installed.

Any ideas?


Miklós Hollender
Navision Developer/Consultant
Delta Elektronik Ltd.


  • MHollenderMHollender Member Posts: 5
    Update: some info from a friend. He told me that he thinks that the C/ODBC is just a simple wrapper for C/FRONT, thus it does not support tablelist function and tablenames, only numbers.

    He may not be right as "SELECT * FROM 27" does not work too.

    However, the strange thing is that "SELECT * FROM Cikk" does not give an error in Perl. "Cikk" is the Hungarian caption of the table Item, and language is set to Windows-auto, and it is Hungarian. But the query is still empty. Also, "Select * FROM Company" also does not give an error - maybe this table is has no HUN caption - but empty.

    Maybe C/ODBC uses captions instead of names?

    Any ideas?
    Miklós Hollender
    Navision Developer/Consultant
    Delta Elektronik Ltd.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Problem is in Language=Auto - set it to Neutral to have English names and not local Captions.... see C/ODBC documentation.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • MHollenderMHollender Member Posts: 5
    Thanx Kine,

    but it did not solve the problem. I think there is a deeper problem, maybe the odbc driver is buggy with XP or something.
    Miklós Hollender
    Navision Developer/Consultant
    Delta Elektronik Ltd.
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