Restrict Access to Sales/Purchase Invoicing with accruals on

gemini_shootergemini_shooter Member Posts: 149

I have a query. I have a client who has accruals in place for purchase and shipping. As we all know accruals record G/L Entries which are then reversed when the purchase/sale is invoiced and the last invoicing entry is recorded.

Questions: Is there a way I can do this with permissions combinations and deny permission to invoice (Deny Permission to write to Invoice tables) but allow them write to G/L tables to record accruals ?

That is what i could think of ... did want to get an opinion before I start designing and testing the new role. .. has anyone ever tried this ?

I do not want to modify standard posting code units, last thing I want to do ... any comments ?


  • gemini_shootergemini_shooter Member Posts: 149
    Nevermind .. I got it to work ..

    Thanks ... think I am leaking NAV state secrets on mibuso .. .don't know if its good or bad :-)
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