SKU's - do I need them (at) all?

MatthewRBrittonMatthewRBritton Member Posts: 27
Hi all,

In our current system we have around ~5000 Purchased items, and ~3000 produced. We have two locations, Location 1 is the main warehouse, Location 2 is a bulk stock warehouse.

A very limited number of the purchased items - say 30 - need to be kept in both Location 1 and Location 2. Where that is the case, Location 1 is replenished by transfer from Location 2, and Location 2 is replenished by Purchase. In all other cases, Location 1 is replenished by Purchase.

We are pretty heavy users of the planning parameters (min/max order quantity, reorder cycle, order multiple etc). Most if not all of our items are set-up for lot-for-lot.

At the moment, I have SKU's for both locations for every item (~16,000 SKU cards). Is there any reason to have SKU's for all items. I would prefer to have SKU's only for the 30 items where they are required, and just the item card for all the others. This cuts down on data maintenance, and ensures better data integrity (less errors etc) by having only 60 SKU cards.

Can I just have the SKU's for the 30 items which are stocked in both warehouses? Anyone else using SKU's for only a portion of their items?




  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Sure why not?

    When you run planning, it looks to see if there is an SKU, and if not builds a temp one based on the item card parameters. So only add SKUs when you really need them.
    David Singleton
  • MatthewRBrittonMatthewRBritton Member Posts: 27
    Thanks so much David! \:D/

    The amount of effort that will save me updating parameters will be huge!

    Can hardly wait to tell my overworked Purchasing team they can kiss the whole lot goodbye.

    Thanks again.

  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    You're welcome. Also check to see in case you have some custom reports that are based on SKU that might be affected.
    David Singleton
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