Sales Order Statistics (F9) ... by Sell-to Customer No.

LibertyMountainLibertyMountain Member Posts: 94
We are a distribution company. 90% of our customer base has a customer card that functions both as the sell-to and bill-to. But we have a group of customers (about 100+) that are share a common Bill-to customer no.

When we view any of this 2nd group of customers, and hit F9, the customer statistics form has no data. (this is because the customer statistics form uses customer table flowfields as the basis for all its calculations ... and these flowfields are all based on "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entries" where "Customer No." = Customer."No."). "Customer No." in the "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entry" table represents the "Bill-to Customer No.". And there is no "Sell-to Customer No." in the "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entry" table like there is in the "Cust. Ledger Entry" table.

So there seems to be no easy way to create customer flowfields to sum the "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entries" by "Sell-to Customer No." rather than bill-to.

sounds like a custom form that I need to build from scratch, using the existing form as a template, but calculating all the data real time (instead of using calcsums on table flowfields).

If anyone from MS is reading, I think it would be helpful for "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entry" to have the "Sell-to Customer No." field in it as well. I realize that is data redundancy (because you can just look at the Parent "Cust. Ledger Entry" of the "Detailed Cust. Ledger Entry" to find this, but that's extra reads and slower performance.)

Any better ideas? Thanks.
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