Intercompany Sales Invoice Not Added To IC Outbox

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I've discovered a situation where 2 intercompany sales invoices have been posted but did not find their way to the IC Outbox and were therefore never sent to the partner company. I've searched Partnersource and Mibuso for any known errors here but can't find anything. Is there any trail I can follow to see what happened? They are not in the IC Handled Outbox Transactions. I wondered if there are some fields on the sales invoice header record I can check to find out what happened?

Any help appreciated,



  • AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
    The best I can offer is to check the sell-to customer and make sure the IC partner code is setup, and make sure if you have a different bill-to customer number linked to it to check that customer card as well. Try recreating the invoices and while still open check the 'Send IC Document' field in the sales header zoom.
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