SMTP ocx object for 4.0

jelittlejohnjelittlejohn Member Posts: 61

I am attempting to use the smtp ocx object that I downloaded off Mibuso to send e-mails through Navision 4.0. My client is uninterested in upgrading to 5.0 and I thought that this ocx object had solved all my problems. It seemed to be working in all my tests but then I discovered that it was only working when I sent the message to another e-mail address on the smtp server that I was naming in the SetHost method. Am I doing something wrong. I have followed the examples that I found here on the forum. I am assuming that this ocx must have the functionality to send a message to an outside address.

Please help as this issue has snuck up on me.

Thanks in advance,
Jack Littlejohn
Clemson, SC
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