Problem with New License application

navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
I am trying to upgrade NAV license in the server. I could successfully replace and use new license fin.flf in the server folder. When I view the license it shows new license information with added number of users. BUT when more number of users than allowed by ealrlier License try to login to the system, the system does not allow to login. Allowed session new is 13 howevver it doesnt allow more than 6 (earlier). Please Help!


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Are you using classic or SQL ?

    IF the users are using the client on their own PCs have you checked what license they are using when they open up the DB ?

    You may need to replace the license in the client folders on the PCS or look again at the server folder making sure everyone is looged off when you upload the license again
  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    It is Native. Noone was logged in to the system while replacing FIN.FLF.

    Does it matter really which lilcense the user machine has when user is accessing database server in TCP connection?
  • nthainthai Member Posts: 22
    All the parameters (Cache, Sessions, Nettype, etc.) are stored in the file called dbms.zup

    This is how you create/install SERVICES for Navision:


    Originally when you installed Navision with the old license, the Installation stored SESSIONS=6 in the file called dbms.zup

    You MUST change the SESSIONS value to 13.

    Try this:
    1. Stop your Navision Server SERVICES
    2. Open MS-DOS Prompt and go to the folder where SERVER.EXE is located.

    Run this:
    Let say it located in C:\SERVER folder


    NAVISIONSERVER is the SERVERNAME as an example only, use your NAVISION SERVER NAME. SESSIONS=13 will store in the dbms.zup file.

    3. Start your Navision Server SERVICES.

    Check your license and see if 13 people can connect.

  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    Thanks. I will do this. At the same time, there are other changes inlicense in addition to the number of users, I thinK that have to be included in this command. Corect me Pls.

    I will make the changes when no staff are working. Will come back to you if there is any problem.
  • nthainthai Member Posts: 22
    Regarding on the Server side, it doesn't care if you've added a new module or new tables, forms, repports, etc. The Client side will do that.

    The Server only has a few parameters (some people called it attributes), see below. Other than that the Server doesn't care about anything else added in the license.


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