Purchase Document Approvals

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

Has anybody customised the document approvals feature to allow setting up approval limits by G/L code? My approvers have different limits/approvers depending on the areas they are spending on.

Any help appreciated,



  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    can i know why you want to link with G/L code ?
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    I am guessing your scenario is to do with direct GL purchases or sales that are to name accounts or GL journals etc

    I think in a previous post i suggested you setup A matrix for your GL code and Dimension code using dimension matrix to block the accounts you were after.

    In this scenario i would Suggest another Dimension called LIMIT with different amounts, You could then have the user security with GL code and Limit combinations
    in this case you would say if combination exists allow approval otherwise deny.

    Have a look at viewtopic.php?f=23&t=34309 though i am not sure u used it
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

    Thanks for the replies. However this is not the same scenario as I posted about last time. In this situation I don't want to block G/L accounts. Basically out-of-the-box the approvals work on sending an approval request to a set person if the total order value exceeds their limit. But my situation is that each buyer has a limit per type of goods being ordered. I can define the type of goods by creating groups of G/L expense accounts. For example Fred may have a limit of 500 when placing stationery orders, but when ordering consultancy services his limit is 2500. Also, stationery orders above 500 need to go to the office manager to approve, but consultancy orders above 2500 need to go to the contracts director to approve.

  • superjetsuperjet Member Posts: 40
    this require some customization to the standard approval functionality.
    You can add there your checking logic through some coding, and make some setup table for these integer values and persons whom to send for approving
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    From what you describe you again need some sort of matrix.

    It would have to be a development against the Salesperson would be my preference

    A new table would have to be created with 2 or more fields

    EG Product POSTING GROUP , Amount

    You should then be able to have individual rows for each product group with amount limit.

    Then add this as an additional check in the approval process code.

    Either way its a development for your system.
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