Changing License

navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
I am trying to change the licesne of NAV permanently. I can Import or change and see new license. Each Time I exit the system, the new license is not in effect but old licese is there.

I tired Change
I tried Import.

Please suggest.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    are you on sql or native?

    if on sql choose upload.
    if on native, stop the server. load the fin.flf where the server is and start the service.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    I am using NATIVE.

    Yeah I have already tried that too. I closed all the end-users terminals (No session on with Navision Server). I replace fin.flf in the folder where actual Database is located.
    Still the license is not upgraded.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Update the license in the server folder.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    Server folder means..where the database (fdb file to access) is kept right? I already did that. Still it shows the same.
  • nthainthai Member Posts: 22
    Easy. The license file (fin.flf) must be in the SAME folder as the file called SERVER.EXE

    Also it is best if you named the license file the same name as the previous one that you wanted to replace.

    Worse case, just simply uninstall/re-install Navision Server. It is a piece of cake!

  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    I replaced fin.flf in my server folder with the new one ( named fin.flf) and run my client.. The client cannot run becasue it says there is some issues with reading flf.

    I can import the same flf to my local machine.

    Any other way? ( Reinstalling NAV Server would a last choice)
  • ta5ta5 Member Posts: 1,164
    You need a license file in your client folder either named fin.flf or cronus.flf too. This license is just used to start fin.exe, after connecting to the server the servers license is used.
    Hope this helps.
  • rmpatel22rmpatel22 Member Posts: 80
    If you double click on Server.exe, it will start Dos prompt, where you can see that its running with which license (It will show error also, if any)
    Rakesh Patel
    Navision Developer
  • nthainthai Member Posts: 22
    Import will only replace the license file (fin.flf) into the SAME folder as the client (fin.exe)
    If it lets you Import or Change then at least the license file is NOT corrupted.

    You said "The client cannot run becasue it says there is some issues with reading flf."

    What exactly is the error message saying?

    I assumed your SERVER services started properly right?

    Oh! I remember now. It is the freaking .zup file. There is a file called dbms.zup and it is locating in the same folder as SERVER.EXE
    Your original license has different or less value than the new license. For example, your new license now has more sessions.
    The dbms.zup stores the older PARAMETERS, so IF you simply replaced the license file (fin.flf) then it wouldn't work or take advantage or the new sesssions.
    It doesn't sound like you are that familiar with change it in in DOS Prompt and know all the PARAMETERS.
    My Recommendation is to uninstall/re-install.

    Another common issue I saw is ...back to your question:
    You said "The client cannot run becasue it says there is some issues with reading flf." Is the error about memory?

    I experienced with Memory Allocation issue (DBMS Memory). For example, in Nav 3.60, the MAX I can allocate is 800000KB (800Mb) but in Nav 3.70 and above I can allocate 1000000KB (1Gb). It is kind of buggy sometimes that perfect number 800000 or 1000000 doesn't work.
    I monkey around with that MS Dos Prompt until it works.
    But the easiest solution is simply uninstall/re-install.

  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    Ah! I could successfully replace and use new license fin.flf. When I view the license it shows new license information with added number of users. BUT when more bumber of user than allowed earlier tries to login to the system, the system doesnot allow to login. Allowed session new is 13 howevver it doesnt allow more than 6 ( earlier). Help!
  • nthainthai Member Posts: 22
    All the parameters (Cache, Sessions, Nettype, etc.) are stored in the file called dbms.zup

    This is how you create/install SERVICES for Navision:


    Originally when you installed Navision with the old license, the Installation stored SESSIONS=6 in the file called dbms.zup

    You MUST change the SESSIONS value to 13.

    Try this:
    1. Stop your Navision Server SERVICES
    2. Open MS-DOS Prompt and go to the folder where SERVER.EXE is located.

    Run this:
    Let say it located in C:\SERVER folder


    NAVISIONSERVER is the SERVERNAME as an example only, use your NAVISION SERVER NAME. SESSIONS=13 will store in the dbms.zup file.

    3. Start your Navision Server SERVICES.

    Check your license and see if 13 people can connect.

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