G/L Setup (Allowing Posting Date)

navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
Posting is allowed to end of January 2010. But the system didnot show any error or message while posting February 2010 Transaction and transaction mistakely got posted. Does User Setup table overrides G/L Setup? This user has been allowed to post till 31 Dec 2010.



  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    navnet wrote:
    Does User Setup table overrides G/L Setup?


    First system will check user setup table Posting dates , then it will check the G/L setup.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    navnet wrote:
    Posting is allowed to end of January 2010. But the system didnot show any error or message while posting February 2010 Transaction and transaction mistakely got posted. Does User Setup table overrides G/L Setup? This user has been allowed to post till 31 Dec 2010.


    Yes User setup overrides the General Ledger Setup (Specific setup normally override the general setups).
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    Have a look at codeunit 11 (Gen. Jnl.-Check Line) and specifially the function DateNotAllowed:
    DateNotAllowed(PostingDate : Date) : Boolean
    IF (AllowPostingFrom = 0D) AND (AllowPostingTo = 0D) THEN BEGIN
      IF USERID <> '' THEN
          AllowPostingFrom := UserSetup."Allow Posting From";
          AllowPostingTo := UserSetup."Allow Posting To";
      IF (AllowPostingFrom = 0D) AND (AllowPostingTo = 0D) THEN BEGIN
        AllowPostingFrom := GLSetup."Allow Posting From";
        AllowPostingTo := GLSetup."Allow Posting To";
      IF AllowPostingTo = 0D THEN
        AllowPostingTo := 31129999D;
    EXIT((PostingDate < AllowPostingFrom) OR (PostingDate > AllowPostingTo));

    As you can see it first check the user setup.
    Luc van Vugt, fluxxus.nl
    Never stop learning
    Van Vugt's dynamiXs
    Dutch Dynamics Community
  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
    Thank You!
    I cannot modify code. Do not have developer Liscence.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Well no code change is necessary - leave the User dates blank and it will then use the g/l setup dates.
  • navnetnavnet Member Posts: 57
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