question about Appl from Item Entry and Fnct>apply entries

cvealecveale Member Posts: 135
I am using NAV 5.0 SP1

I am in a Sales Invoice. Lets say I post a Sales Invoice for $100. Customer returns it, so I create Sales Credit Memo and then click Functions > Apply Entries, and apply it against the original invoice so it closes it off.

Now if I turn on the Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory in the S&R setup, on the Sales Credit Memo I fill in the Appl from Item Entry field.

Now do I do that in place of the Functions > Apply entries ? Or do I do that also ?

Does Functions > Apply entries close the entries in the Customer Sub Ledger and the Appl from Item Entry makes sure my costing is correct?


  • AlexWileyAlexWiley Member Posts: 230
    When you fill in the Apply To Entry field and post that is when the it makes the application, you don't need to go to Functions. Also, with exact cost reversing mandatory you would get an error if you were doing it wrong :)
  • cvealecveale Member Posts: 135
    Would I not use Apply from Item Entry instead of Apply to Item Entry.

    Since i am posting a credit memo, I need to offset against against an invoice.

    And the apply from item entry would be the one right?
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Yes it's Applies from entry. Not Applies To Entry.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • cvealecveale Member Posts: 135
    Thank you. I just did a test and only used the apply from item ledger field, and it did not close off the entries in the customer ledger entry table.

    So i will be using the apply from field, and also using the apply entries functionality.

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    applies from entry on sales cr. memo line are application for inventory.

    Cust Ledger application is done on the header level. You should see an Application Tab on sales Credit Memo.

    You select the applies to doc type and applies doc no. You need to hit F9 to mark the line you want to apply and copy the applies to ID and paste it to the Applies to ID on the sales Credit Memo Document.

    cr.png 10.8K
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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