
BLOB's Properties SubType and Owner

RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
1. I have added a BLOB field to a table and have also set property for that field SubType=User-Defined as help suggests:
Use this property to provide additional information about what will be contained in this field.
Based on your selection here, the system will show only the appropriate file types. For instance, if you select Bitmap, the system shows only files with the extension .bmp. If you select Memo, the system shows only files with the extension .txt. If you select User-Defined, the system shows all files.
I want to import all types of files. The problem is that when importing a file using
all files are actually shown in a open file dialog box, but Files of Type in that dialog box shows 'Bitmaps (*.bmp).
It's not critical, but I want to avoid this since it is deceiving?

2. The BLOB field has also property Owner, which is not documented in help. Anybody know what is it useful for ?
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