Beautiful Dimension

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2010-03-31 in Download section
Beautiful Dimension
This is my variant of different dimension correction tools.
Solution adjusts Global Dimension Value for any table.
Some remarks:
1. Dynamically creates a list of tables that can operate (You can add or delete)
2. Works with any suitable tables

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  • dlauwersdlauwers Member Posts: 127
    I am getting an error when I run this.

    I have imported the fob into NAV 4.0SP3 database running on a 5.0sp1 Client.
    Via the setup I have filled the table.

    When I enter a Document No. and clear the Date Filter (but that does not matter) and press search, I get an error when my NAV is not in ENU language (English).

    Een '=' ontbreekt in TransferFormuleData
    WHERE(Posting Date=FILTER(08/02/10),No.=FILTER(2900886))

    A guess the Text constants (CU60000) are not multi-language ?

    But I noticed that < and > is used to make the strings language indepentend, but it seems that this is not working ?? If you edit the strings and add < and > those disappear when you enter ??

    Any idea on how I can fix this ?

  • Yaroslav_GaponovYaroslav_Gaponov Member Posts: 158
    Hi dlauwers

    Thank you a lot for message.

    Yes, You right - this solution non-multilanguage now and need to add support shortcut dimensions as well.

    Now as way - add for text constant a language layer.

    I try to fix this problem
    I hope this is first step :D

  • djkdjkdjkdjk Member Posts: 17
    Hello Yaroslav Gaponov,

    I have try your tool.
    I would change also dimenions in legder entries e.g. table 17. G/L Entry.
    I add table 17 in Setup.

    When I select the document n° and try to Search I will have the following Error:Field no. 0 is not defined in the G/L Entry table.

    What's happen?

    Thanks in Advance
    Jeannot Keiser
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