Navision 3.10..
Still can't figure out how to get totals to work properly.
I'm trying to make a new report, which is a combination of two reports relating to inventory.
On one report I want to use "Qty. on Sales Order" and QtyAvailable. on another report I want to use "Sales (Qty.)".
I've taken the first report and saved it as a new one.. deleted everything I did not want to show. Now I wanted to add in that "Sales (Qty.)" field.
If run the report I've taken that from, it shows the following:
I've circled in red the figures I want to take and put on the other report.
Here's how it shows up instead:
I've circled in red how they come out with the 0's.
What I did was add =<"Sales (Qty.)" to the Item, Body sections on my report, as well as Item, Footer section. I then added =<Item."Sales (Qty.)" to the Item Variant, Body.
When I tried to add the "Sales (Qty.)" and tried to compile it gave me an error, so I added that to C/AL Globals, yet on the original report I took it from doesn't have it in C/AL Globals. As of writing this I tested and went into my newly created report and deleted it from Globals and it compiled fine. Weird.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
It's the first one on the list.
In <Item Variant> I put the following code:
Without defining calcfields for those fields they will appear as zero
Since you have a report that already works - review all the c/al code on dataitems &
view sections see the code there too and dataitem properties.
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Item."Sales (Qty.)",Item."Sales ($)");
CALCFIELDS("Sales (Qty.)","Sales ($)");
After much fooling around and deleting my newly modified reports to start fresh, this is where I am at.
I have dual monitor setup, so in one last attempt I've started over once again. I have my newly modified report on one monitor, and the report I want Sales (Qty.) from on the other monitor. This way I can compare code and information easily.
It correctly shows everything except for the item from the other report.
For the Sales (Qty.) it shows the following on my report:
The quantity is doing 18 all the way down no matter what I've tried. It should be show 0,0,0,0 for Black, 4,4,2,2 for Lilac, and 2,2,1,1 for Taupe which equals 18 total.