report landscape portrait

KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
Hi Experts!

I have a big problem.
I made a report for my customer. It works fine on my own PC and the customer's server computer. But when a client run the report the problem is appear.

The problem:
I set the report orientation for portrait.

The paper looks like portrait but the report generates the data until it reach about the half size of the page, then continuing it the next page. The top and bottom margin are 0. I checked the printer setup, and it is fine.

Maybe NAV “thinks” the page setup is landscape inspite of the printer and report settings.

thank you for helps


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Sometime the problem could be printer drivers. If the problem is in preview, check and play with the settings of the default printer. If the problem is only when printing, play with the settings of the printer. Some drivers are overloading the settings which NAV tries to send them...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    As kine said it could be the printer driver. I have seen this quite often in combination with MS Terminal Server / Citrix Server.

    Other option (I have only seen it twice but who knows):
    It could be a setting on the client/user: When you run a report and the request form is on screen (before you hit the Print... Button) the user can change the Page Setup (Menu File, Page Setup...) Here the user can choose to print the report portrait/landscape and can change the margins.
    This setup is stored per user and report and NAV uses it every time the user runs a report.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
    Every printer’s setup is portrait. In the NAV the Page Setup (File menu->Page Setup) is portrait.
    I attached some image about the output of the report.
    Any other solution?

    My Invoice looks like
    DataItem Name
    Sales Invoice Header <Sales Invoice Header>
    >Integer CopyLoop
    >>Integer PageLoop
    >>>Integer DimensionLoop1
    >>>Sales Invoice Line <Sales Invoice Line>
    >>>>Integer Sales Shipment Buffer
    >>>>Integer DimensionLoop2
    >>>Integer VATCounter
    >>>Integer Total
    >>>Integer Total2

    If the PageLoop, Footer – PrintOfEveryPage option and the PlaceInBottom Option are ‘YES’ then the report generated it to the bottom of the page. I don’t understand it…
    Is the problem maybe not with the orientation?
    1a.jpg 20.2K
    2a.jpg 25.2K
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    Is the "SZAMLA" chapter is situated at the separate Section of your Report? I recommend you to check the KeepWithNext property of the previous Section.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
    I attached an image about sections of the report.
    Pageloop,Header(1) contains the 'SZAMLA' chapter (<Headtext>).
    KeepWithNext option is Yes for PageLoop, Header(1).
  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    From help:
    Use this property to avoid page breaks between a section and a following section of the same type.
    I think that's why the section transfered to the next page. If the quantity of lines is big system tries to print them on one page.
    Try set the property to No.
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
  • KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
    I've tried it. Nothing change.

    I don't understand why the problem is appear only on the customer's computers.
    The report is good on my PC and the customer's server PC.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Is every portait report from NAV on that machine / that user like this?
    Try logging on that user on another machine or another user on that machine. Might be the windows profile.
    Is the printer driver on that machine local or is it a server printer driver? Is it exactly the same driver as on another machine? Try to find out the differences between the machines / user.

    If it works on the server: Is that also the printserver? That might make a big difference.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
    The server isn't a printserver.

    There is the native database on the server only, and users uses the server to reach the database only.

    The printers are installed to the users computers. Some are shared printers but there are some which not.

    The printer drivers are on the local machine.
  • KreminpKreminp Member Posts: 17
    If it a windows profile, where and what I have to modify?
    The operation system is XP.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    As I previously wrote:
    Is every portait report from NAV on that machine / that user like this?
    Try logging on that user on another machine or another user on that machine. Might be the windows profile.
    That test might give you a hint what the problem is. Be carefuil if the users have roaming profiles.
    If you don't know what a windows profile is or how to delete it (you can not change it) consult your or your customers technical guys. They can help.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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