Microsoft Dynamics NAV Express for Russia

alsolalsol Member Posts: 243
Hello there,

By coincidence I heared from an official NAV version called NAV Express which should be government approved for Russia. Unfortunately I could not find much information about it. Does anyone know something about this product? I wonder which are the differences between NAV 5.00 SP1 RU and NAV Express.

This is what I found about NAV express. It looks like this is an official Microsoft product:

Best regards


  • GRIZZLYGRIZZLY Member Posts: 127
    It's a lite database with preinstalled parameters that fits for small enterprises: GL accounts, posting setup and so on. And Microsoft provides the detailed information about how it can be implemented.
    Express has some limitation for using some granules, for ex. WMS and Manufacturing.
    For russian speaking community there is a chapter in forum
    Sincerely yours, GRIZZLY
    Follow my blog at
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