In NAV09 I'm able to create recordlinks manually including the possibility to generate a message for a specific user.
Now, I want to create such a recordlink with a message by using a C/AL function, but I don't know how.
Could anybody gives me some advices or hints?
Many thanks.
Many thanks, Roger
The record id can be created with the GETVIEW I think, it is a combination of tablename and Primairy Key.
I've tried to use a test function which should write a recordlink like this
The recordlink is visible in the role center, but the text is hidden. And if I click on the link, my client crashes and disappears.
Any chance of extracting the blobvalue of the manualy created record?
If I read the blob in an text variable and show it by a message box, so I receive the follows (see attachement)
The problem is not the recordid, I mean. The problem is the text into the blob-field which is not shown on the rolecenter startpage
Udaykumar Akunuri
Thank you, UdAkunuri. With the ADDLINK function it is very easier to create a link, it works well.
But I have still the problem with the blob field 'Note'. If I write text in it, the client crashes if I try to cklick the new link in the rolecenter.
The field in the setup table has this value:
There is a leading character which I don't know
I reccomend reporting this issue to Microsoft to they can make a proper solution for this. Next time I meet the program managers I will also mention this. (If I remember.
I've used the following code. I have to store a TAB-Character in front of my text in order to
receive a recordlink which are works
But the system cuts my text which is shown in the role center.
Instead 'There is another useful hint' I see only 'There is'
Quite strange :roll:
The blob wants to know how long the text is that you want to write in it. The length must be store in a variable of type CHAR.
So, my test function works as I expected from like this:
Thanks to all for helping me
Glad it works. =D>
6The Expected Receipt Date on Purchase Order 106004 Line
I was expecting -
The Expected Receipt Date on Purchase Order 106004 Line 10000 was changed to 04/28/11.
I know a special character is written in the first position in the blob. Short of having a lookup table or array, how do I get the special character and my entire string?
As the follow I've implemented it in my solution. Hope, this helps
I suspect this is related to the fact that the standard ASCII character set is 128, although I could be totally off base. I know that the notes can be more than 128 characters--it's a BLOB field, so it should handle anything up to 2 gigs. I just have no idea how to get more than 128 characters in there. Does anyone know? Am I blazing a trail and becoming the first person who's done this? (Or at least the first person willing to publicly admit that I don't know how to do it?)
For 2013/R2 algorithm has changed a bit and values returned there do not show simple correlation. However there is a workaround. For notes having length < 128 the first char is length of the note. For notes having length >= 128 the first char can be assigned based on static values. You can use NAV to create 128 notes having length between 128 and 255. You can get first char value out of those notes. This will give you 128 chars, which you then reuse every 128 characters (note length MOD 128). Second char is simple length DIV 128. This is a very dirty workaround, but it seemed to be working when I was looking into this problem. I don't remember having any issues with it. Just play with it and see if it does work for you.