Hi All,
I need some help on the following problem...
Our customer needs to print some documents double-sided.
The only thing is that on the frontside the data needs to be printed in portrait, and on the backside the data needs to be printed in landscape.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Man who put head on railroad track get splitting headache...
Your options would be to print one job, put the paper back in, and print the other.
Find a way to change the orientation of the text in the sections of the report (probably have to use .NET)
Redesign the report.
Maybe this might work:
Create 2 reports, 1 for front side, 1 for back side. Print both into a pdf merging the prints into 1 file. For this I see 2 options:
Last print this 2 page file to your printer. If your printout creates more than 1 page then you would need to use option 2, print 1 page into 1 file and mix them later into a pdf.
Never tried that. Try first to manually merge 1 portrait pdf and 1 landscape pdf into 1 new pdf using pdftk.exe and print that to your printer. If that works go ahead with NAV programming.
Keep us updated if this works.
FD Consulting
\:D/ IT WORKS!!!! =D>
Using PDFCreator, we create the single PDFs for the portrait and landscape reports, and after that we combine them with PDFTK
Now let's hope our customer is as happy with it as we are
Performance is poor as expected. Printing some 34.000 separate PDF's and combining them after that takes about 24 hours :shock: