There's several issues regarding infinite loops in the adjust cost job depending on what version you're on. There's fixes for this problem on partnersource so if you're a partner log in and download the right fix, if not contact you're partner and they'll help you.
There's several issues regarding infinite loops in the adjust cost job depending on what version you're on. There's fixes for this problem on partnersource so if you're a partner log in and download the right fix, if not contact you're partner and they'll help you.
i am using NAV 2009 can u please tell me the name of the fix.
This topic has been disussed many times. There's no general fix for this it can be different reasons why it ends up in a neverending loop. Search partnersource for your version and you'll probably find several hotfixes. From version 5.0 I thought this problem was gone so if you have it in NAV2009 you might consider to report it to MS.
What do u mean by Blank record?u mean that there is no Item Number but have record in Table 27 or something else?
NAV Freelance Consultant
We r using NAV 4.0,in this version whats the name of Fixcode for this problem
Navision Technical Consultant
i am using NAV 2009 can u please tell me the name of the fix.
NAV Freelance Consultant