Happy new year to everyone...
I have got a problem..
I have two reports in one of them we have a look up for a table and in the other it is not their..
I have provided the snaps...
I want the lookup to be on the other report as well so can someone guide me on how to do that...
please help...
Icon appears when you have cursor in field. In 1 screenshot you have cursor in - so you see lookup icon
In second screen cursor is on "Posting date" field so you can't see lookup icon from field/filter "document No."
.. icon appears when you have setup "Table relation" property in field of table or the field is primary key of table (then lookup is for this table)
moreover, i think it depends from the data type of the field (e.g. the look up does not work with dates, even if they're PK)
another way to have the lookup, is to set a table relation for the field, but i don't think you have to table relate your field...
edit: you wer faster again JerzeyT ](*,) but i want to higlight this
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
That I know
I must disagree..
There is no tables in Nav (W1) with Line No. as primary key. (only as part of primary key)
Never lookup? - I think always (if primary key is "single field" key)
Dynamics NAV Developer since 2005
Another disagree..
Try to run report on table 17, or every other ledger entry with "entry No." as primary key.
You see lookup in field "entry No.". It is ralated to LookUpFormId property in table because there is no tablerelation in this field
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Thank you Belias, I will always remember your comment before writing anything
Dynamics NAV Developer since 2005
Yes!! I want to say that Line No. is always a part of Primary key but it never Look up in Nav