NAS on NAV 5.00 SP1 with ACIE

sandy_bsilsandy_bsil Member Posts: 40
Hi All,

I have installed the NAS and its running. I have created a new Job Queue to run the Adjust Cost Item Entires report - 795. When this is run, a there a error entry in the Job Queue Log Entries saying "You cannot use C/AL variables of type DIALOG when running the Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic". #-o

So wanted to know whether we can run this process directly without any changes or we need to customize the CU 5895 by removing all the window related code. :-k

Thanx in advance.
Sandeep B


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    Use the GUIALLOWED system constant. In a NAS session, this has value FALSE, in a regular client session it is TRUE. You don't remove all dialogs and forms and other user interaction, you display it depending on the value of GUIALLOWED.
  • sandy_bsilsandy_bsil Member Posts: 40
    thanx for the fast reply..

    So the STD CU direclty will not support for NAS. :?:

    But on one of our client the report 795 and cu 5895 are not changed.. and the job queue pointing to report 795 is running without any error.. :!: ](*,) ..

    so wanted to know is there any setup which I have missed..

    steps which I followed:
    1. Installing NAS.. Default option selected.. [clicking Next-->Next]
    2. Changed the Log on details - service porperties. [used Win login - administrator]
    3. Created a Win login for the DB in NAV - then sync single login.
    4. Created new NAS instance - NASMSnapIN.
    5. Created Job Queue - report 795.
    Sandeep B
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    I've suggested how you can go around the error message. To get into the details of why this particular instance has any problems the process would have to be debugged. For that, and a full review of how NAS works and how to set that up, you will need to get your senior to explain all that.
  • klavinklavin Member Posts: 117
    I've done many times just as DenSter said, you need to "IF GUIALLOWED THEN" on the dialog sections of code... leave the original dialog functionality, but drop it for the NAS.

    "Profanity is the one language all programmers know best."
  • sandy_bsilsandy_bsil Member Posts: 40
    ok.. thanx for the reply..
    Sandeep B
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