Hi All,
I have installed the NAS and its running. I have created a new Job Queue to run the Adjust Cost Item Entires report - 795. When this is run, a there a error entry in the Job Queue Log Entries saying "You cannot use C/AL variables of type DIALOG when running the Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic". #-o
So wanted to know whether we can run this process directly without any changes or we need to customize the CU 5895 by removing all the window related code. :-k
Thanx in advance.
Sandeep B
So the STD CU direclty will not support for NAS. :?:
But on one of our client the report 795 and cu 5895 are not changed.. and the job queue pointing to report 795 is running without any error.. :!: ](*,) ..
so wanted to know is there any setup which I have missed..
steps which I followed:
1. Installing NAS.. Default option selected.. [clicking Next-->Next]
2. Changed the Log on details - service porperties. [used Win login - administrator]
3. Created a Win login for the DB in NAV - then sync single login.
4. Created new NAS instance - NASMSnapIN.
5. Created Job Queue - report 795.
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