Activating Attain-ChangeLog on Financials 2.6

QuongElvisQuongElvis Member Posts: 22
edited 2004-10-18 in Navision Financials

i have a Problem activating the ChangeLog-FUnction on FInancials 2.6

I have created a new DB under Attain-Client,inserted the necessary 5 Log-FUnctions into CU 1, imported the Log-Objects from Attain, have activated the log in the Setup and have made the Table Setuo.
BUt there doesn't happen anything.i restarted Server and even tried to open the DB locally.
The Result is : Nothing happens.
The thing what makes me crazy in that situation is that i have done exactly the same 2 days ago with the same Licence on a little test-Database (ok it was FIn.2.0 there), and the Log-Function worked fine.

Does anyone know any secrets about activating the CHangeLog?


  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    You need to update the fin.exe client as well. Navision calls the functions in codeunit 1 when a user has modified a record using a form. But this call to codeunit 1 is programmed in the fin.exe. So without updating the executables, you can't use the changelog functionality with 2.60.
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  • QuongElvisQuongElvis Member Posts: 22
    The Client is 3.7

    thanks for your reply

    while sleeping i had the idea to import the Objects again seperately from the .fbk. I will try this today.
  • SorcererSorcerer Member Posts: 107
    only the client is version 3.70 or the server too?
  • QuongElvisQuongElvis Member Posts: 22

    the Server is 3.70, too
  • SorcererSorcerer Member Posts: 107
    Have the functions in cu 1 the ids 20-24?
  • QuongElvisQuongElvis Member Posts: 22
    Hey Sorcerer, i thank you very much.

    The ID's of the functions have been wrong. I have changed them to 20-24
    now its working.

    Very nice :D

    Thanks oncemore
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