As far as I know it's impossible to calculate an invoice discount on Amount Including VAT, for a simple and logical reason: an invoice discount is not a part of the "value added".
Solution to your problem: Change the discount amount: with Inv. Discount Amount = 3.81 you will have (if your VAT Rate is 31.25%): Total Excl. VAT = 76.19, VAT = 23.81, Total Including VAT = 100. Use Payment Discount instead of Invoice Discount:Payment discount can be calculated with or without VAT (see General Ledger Setup help).
My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
Solution to your problem:
Change the discount amount: with Inv. Discount Amount = 3.81 you will have (if your VAT Rate is 31.25%): Total Excl. VAT = 76.19, VAT = 23.81, Total Including VAT = 100.
Use Payment Discount instead of Invoice Discount:Payment discount can be calculated with or without VAT (see General Ledger Setup help).
But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
Could you give me a fingertip about how to use it?
How tu setup?
I've added a new textbox on F9 form (which has a SourceExpr : VatIncDisc)
I wrote down the following code into OnValiteTrigger of that control :
TotalSalesLine[1]."Inv. Discount Amount":=VatIncDisc*(1-(VATAmount[1]/TotalAmount2[1]));