AutoPosting Production BOM Scrap % to Other GL Scrap Account

jsq201jsq201 Member Posts: 23
Is there a way to redirect scrap consumption to a separate "Scrap" G/L account? I would like to setup a Scrap % on the Production BOM Line so that it auto-posts consumption of this scrap. However, the total value of the scrapped quantity gets posted to the same GL account as the expected regular BOM quantity. Is there a setting that I'm missing that makes this "splitting" of G/L Postings happen?

Related to the issue above is that it when it posts scrap, it posts a single G/L transaction entry that is just the sum of the cost of the regular BOM components and the cost of the scrap quantity. It would be nice to have that split at least into to two separate entries. Again, maybe my settings are wrong, but can NAV post two separate entries, thereby separating the regular cost of BOM components with the cost of scrap?

Thanks in advance and happy new year to all.


  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    No there is no way to splitt posting of consumption and scrap.
    If you use scrap % in the BOM then it just adds that % to get the total consumption. If you need 100 pcs and use 10 % scrap then you get a total of 110 pcs to consume.

    I agree that it would be a good feature to have the possibility to splitt consumption and scrap %.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
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