Hi all,
I am using Sales Credit Memo and Purchase Credit Memo for cancelling Sales Invoices and purchase invoices respectively.
Here what is want is, the reason code that i am selecting on Sales Credit memo should get updated on Posted Sales Invoice when i am posting the Sales Credit memo.
Can anybody tell me the solution.
Markandey Pandey
Hopefully what you are doing is applying the credit memo's to their Invoices.
So if you have to in the future figure out how that invoice was closed you will be able to navigate to the applies entry and see that it was a credit memo and look at that credit memo to see the reason code.
You can also enter info into the Invoices Notes/Comments about what is goin on with that invoice
Applies - to Doc Type , Applies -to Doc No.
when posted credit memo - > Invocing tab - > Applies - to Doc Type , Applies -to Doc No.
Thanx, i got it.
I have written the following code for updating the Reason Code of Posted Invoices on OnPush trigger of Post Button of Sales Credit memo but its not working:
SalesInvHeader.SETRANGE(SalesInvHeader."No.","Applies-to Doc. No.");
IF(SalesInvHeader.FIND('-')) THEN
SalesInvHeader."Reason Code":=SalesHeader."Reason Code";
can anybody suggest me the solution.
i have tried that also
SalesInvHeader.GET("Applies-to Doc. No.");
SalesInvHeader."Reason Code":=SalesHeader."Reason Code";
if SalesInvHeader.GET("Applies-to Doc. No.") then begin
SalesInvHeader."Reason Code":=SalesHeader."Reason Code";
end else begin
message('doc not found');
But as above, the first issue I see is that the Sales Invoice Header is usually not editable
I have to add the editable field to CU391 in my version.
Here SalesInvHeader is a variable of Record Type (Subtype- Sales Invoice Header)
and all the fields of the table is editable.
But Reason Code is not getting updated, i have tried your code also
ERP Consultant (not just Navision) & Navision challenger
Where have you put your code and how it is getting fired?