ODBC error - too many indexes?

Rasmus_TorpeRasmus_Torpe Member Posts: 10

After upgrading the executables on a customer solution from version 3.60 to NAV 2009 SP1 (the code base is 3.60) we get the attached error when connecting through the ODBC driver. The message is in danish and translates roughly to

"The action did not succeed. There are too many indexes/keys in the table "SalesStatistiks". Delete some indexes and try again."

Now, the number of indexes/keys for the table is 40 and it has not changed. We have tried to delete a key but the error persists.. :-k

I have looked through the knowledge base on partner source and the documentation for 2009 SP1 but haven't found anything hinting changes to
ODBC in versions between 3.60 and 2009 SP1.

Please submit any information/hint/solution if you have encountered and solved this error before.

Merry Christmas to all :)

Rasmus Torpe


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