Applying Credit note for job invoices

hewajithhewajith Member Posts: 96

I consume some material and resources through Job Journal and create an invoice for this job.
I posted invoice and now I want to cancel the invoice.
What I basically want to do cancel this posted invoice (without reversing consumption) and create another invoice from same job with different document date.
Can anyone explain me this procedure because I try to create cr note for this invoice by using copy document but it seems to be not working for job invoices.

Thank you.


  • SYLV1GSYLV1G Member Posts: 93

    The way to create a Credit Memo in the Job module is to add a new planning line of type "Contract" with negative quantity value and then to use the function "Create Sales Credit Memo" of the Job Planning Line Form
  • hewajithhewajith Member Posts: 96
    Thak you your reply

    But then you have to reverse all the usages but I am looking for cancelling invoice without reversing usages.

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