Menu Suite Convert Navision 3.7 to Navision 4 SP3

tepatepa Member Posts: 15
Hallo experts!

I am facing a problem after converting Nav 3.7 to Nav 4. SP3

After closing Nav abd re-openned the DBase i am getting the same menu interface
The same old Nav 3.7

What i am doing wrong?? ](*,)

Thanks in advance


  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    Did you just open the database with the new client and converted it?
    I suppose you aren't a developer.

    If you did that then you only have 3.7 Objects-Functionality and a 4 DB. You need to do an upgrade.

    In 3.7 the main menu is opened from a codeunit. In 4 it's different.

    In object designer do you have Manusuites?
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    Thank you for your reply

    No I have not

    I suppose to import from another DBase?
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    If you import your Menusuites then when you open your database the Client will Open the menu and the code in some codeunit (I don't remember which one, you can start from 1 and follow the company open trigger) will show also the old menu.

    Before you do anything tell us what type of user you are and what you are trying to achieve.

    When upgrading to a new version you need to consider many things.

    Just for an example: if in your old version you had code on the buttons of the Sales and receivables Menu form for opening orders, this code cannot be used in Menuitems. Menuitems do not have code.
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    I understood

    I just now re-import all the objects over the converted DBase

    I just Fined the CU which fires the Menu Interface but i could not compiled it because
    i had an issue whith the xml library (because of the old Navision ver)

    I am not such an expert as many of you guys but i believe i can manage some things
    And just for the record i am aware about the "dark" spots of my action

    What is your suggestion?
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    tepa wrote:
    What is your suggestion?

    My suggestion for... :?:

    What exactly are you trying to do?

    Just a client upgrade or a Full upgrade?

    My suggestion depends on your answer. :wink:
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    Considering the situation i am now...

    I am trying to manage a server-client upgrade on my mobile pc
    Using SQL2005 instead of SQL2000 as the old version had

    I am waiting your suggestions..
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    And what do you want to do next?
    tepa wrote:
    I am trying to manage a server-client upgrade on my mobile pc

    Will this be just a test database?

    I don't remember if 3.7 can work with SQL 2005. If it can then don't upgrade your Nav db.
    tepa wrote:
    I am waiting your suggestions..

    I still don't understand what else you need to do... Can you make your question more specific?

    Are you going to do a full upgrade? Are you testing an upgrade in order to upgrade a client?

    Do you want to keep the old menu or the new menu?
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    Time to speak the truth

    I have a Test Bup DBase in order to convert it from 3.7=>4.3

    The SQL Server which used the old DBase was SQL2000 and i attend to upgrade
    also the DBase to SQL2005

    Now so far i just convert my bup in a "lazy" way something which you have already realized

    Now i am import the new object in the converted DBase and i am keeping notes about the fields / tables
    which are blocking the proccess

    I could realy use some help in order to "buy" some time...
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    So you are trying to do a full upgrade... :shock:

    Are you a developer working for an MS partner?

    There are documents describing the upgrade process and tools to upgrade from version X to Y.
    Upgrading is not a simple task.

    You need to compare all the objects, merge the differences, transfer the data...

    You can find these on the 4 SP 3 CD and on partnersource.
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    I know about the classic procedure and i have thw access for the PS

    I am trying to do it in a simple way because of the DBase of the cust is in a good
    shape and there is not any particulary case-study or workflow in order to "slow" me down

    So, any tip?
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    I don't think there is an easy (or another) way.

    Even if you are going from a 3.7 W1 to a 4SP3 W1 you still need to use the tools.

    If your db has any changes then if you replace your objects you will loose code or fields.
    If you merge from the import worksheet you will have to review your objects to add missing bits.
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15

    Just a last thing

    in order to have the Menu User Interface by Nav4 and not Nav3.7 do you have any tip?
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    You could try importing the 4SP4 Menusuite objects from the Demo 4SP3 db. The client will show the menu. Maybe you will need to modify them if you have missing objects linked to menuitems.

    Try it and if it works you can modify CU 1 to skip the old menus. If you have errors you'll need the xml library to compile it. Otherwise comment out that part and remove the variable just to compile it and do your tests...
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    Thank you for your patience and your advise

    i will leave a msg in order to inform the topic
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    tepa wrote:
    Thank you for your patience and your advise

    You're welcome. :)
  • tepatepa Member Posts: 15
    Just for the record i kept the CU_1 Bup and i deleted the function about the applportal

    i put the code in the first function "CompanyOpen" under {} and i managed to compile the CU

    I re-opened the DBase and finally i am seeing the classic Nav4 MenuSuite :thumbsup:
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