For the 4th time, organizes the "
Best download of 2009" award.

From 1/01/2010 till 21/01/2010, you have the chance to vote for the "Best download of 2009".
This can be a demo-movie you have used to convince a potentional customer, a clever routine that helped you in your project, some code that changed the way your are programming now, or a game you just keep on playing.
Any download that is available on the download-pages of this site — and which could be downloaded before 01/01/2010 — is a possible candidate.
The best thing is you don't have to do this for nothing. When you vote for your favorite download, you take part in a giveaway. The following prizes can be offered, thanks to the companies who donated them:
- 4 licenses for BI4Dynamics [BI4Dynamics]
- 1 NAV Source Protection granule [BrightConsult]
- 3 packages for sending SMS messages (1000 SMS credits) []
- 1 license for Object Manager Advanced [IDYN]
- 1 license for ScanDirect Plus (5 users) [Infinitek]
- 1 license for Navutilus Object Squeeze [Navutilus]
- 1 license for Navutilus Search & Replace [Navutilus]
- 1 license for Navutilus Permissions [Navutilus]
- 5 copies of a Microsoft Dynamics book, published by Packt Publishing [Packt Publishing]
- 2 licenses for Print2Excel [SimCrest]
20 winners will be randomly chosen. Only one submission per individual is allowed.
Note: The winner of the "Best download of 2009" award, can choose a prize first.
Voting starts Friday 1 January 2010.
You have 2 weeks left to vote: Choose "Best download of 2009"
And remember: only one vote per individual! Incorrect/fraudulous votes will be removed.
You have 1 week left to vote: Choose "Best download of 2009"
And remember: only one vote per individual! Incorrect/fraudulous votes will be removed.
Independent Consultant/Developer
"Object Manager Light v5.01"
from Reijer Molenaar
Congratulations to Reijer and thank you all for participating in this vote.
We have received a total of 299 votes: 30 votes where withdrawn, leaving 269 correct ones.
The top 3 is:
1. Object Manager Light v5.01 (41% of all votes)
2. BI4Dynamics NAV Express Edition (28% of all votes)
3. NAV Object Comparer v2 (3% of all votes)
The winners of the 20 prizes are, in random order: Oriol, Bernd Kiefer, Klemen, Thomas Hütter, Metka Kodrin, Tjaša Gruden, Mark, Thomas Buchkremer, E.J. ten Voorde, Mario Puig, Norman Herbst, Eric te Pas, M. Bakker, Belias, Borut Turk, Radosaw Kurlej, Damir Barjaktarevic, Stijn Bossuyt, Anil Kumar Korada, Dabbouni Med Ali.
"Best download of 2009" award