Guessing what you mean by "Stockout time" is "When will I run out of stock"
Sounds like you need to count how many of an item have been using in the last month divide that into your current stock. That number is how many months of stock you have left.
That's just a linear "curve fitting", there's lots of other methods you can use but if the client hasn't specified keep it simple.
AFAIK there's no standard Navision report to do anything like it.
Err, that's not something that'll just drop out of a sumindex, but it's still pretty easy.
Use a temp table to collect the posting dates that exist on the ILEs for that item within the report's date range.
For each of those work out the stock level, when it's negative add it into your sum.
add new flowfield Item."Inventory to date "that is the same as Item."Inventory" but with Posting Date=FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(Date Filter))
run report from some [start date] to [end date] in REPEAT..UNTIL cycle for each Item
Calculate this new field "Inventory to date" applying Date Filter with each date from [start date] to [end date] period
and check IF "Inventory to date" < 1 (or some other minimum) THEN
Days := Days + 1;
Sounds like you need to count how many of an item have been using in the last month divide that into your current stock. That number is how many months of stock you have left.
That's just a linear "curve fitting", there's lots of other methods you can use but if the client hasn't specified keep it simple.
AFAIK there's no standard Navision report to do anything like it.
TVision Technology Ltd
Attain Navision
Use a temp table to collect the posting dates that exist on the ILEs for that item within the report's date range.
For each of those work out the stock level, when it's negative add it into your sum.
TVision Technology Ltd
Attain Navision
run report from some [start date] to [end date] in REPEAT..UNTIL cycle for each Item
Calculate this new field "Inventory to date" applying Date Filter with each date from [start date] to [end date] period
and check IF "Inventory to date" < 1 (or some other minimum) THEN
Days := Days + 1;
something like this..
ILE = Item Ledger Entry
You could also use the existing field "Net Change" and always write the filter like this one: ..EndDate
Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
Thanks again 8)
Attain Navision