Program license issue

njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

I am using the developers toolkit(3.0) to upgrade from 4.0 SP3 to NAV 2009.I have compared and merged the three versions also. Its not aproblem.

In the database 4.0 SP3 they have imported the Quality control module where the range starts from (33000250.....33000500). The fields which range from 33000250.....33000500 is also included in the base table of Item, vendor ....

When i try to import the Item table to NAV 2009 from developers toolkit the message populates that" Your program license does not allow you to create "SETUP ID" in the table item". The reason is "SETUP ID" is in the range of 33000250.

What should i have to do. I have to import the objects quickly to NAV 2009????

Plz help me out. Waiting for ur valuable solutions???????


  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    I think that you will have to import the "fob" file before you can import any "txt" files or it could be that your licence does not have the adequate permissions for the 33..... range.

    You could also maybe do these merges manually on the tables affected with copy and paste.
  • danlindstromdanlindstrom Member Posts: 130
    With a 'normal' partnerlicense you can not import txt-files in that range (33000250.....33000500), only the owner/developer of the addon.
    You must import a fob.
    If you made any corrections of the code you must send it the addon-company who merge it into their database and supply you with a new fob.
    Dan Lindström
    NCSD Navision 2.00 since 1999 (Navision Certified Solution Developer)
    MBSP Developer for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    Albertvh wrote:
    You could also maybe do these merges manually on the tables affected with copy and paste.

    If a field outside your range does not exist then you cannot paste it. You need to import it with a fob.
    With a 'normal' partnerlicense you can not import txt-files in that range (33000250.....33000500), only the owner/developer of the addon.
    You must import a fob.
    If you made any corrections of the code you must send it the addon-company who merge it into their database and supply you with a new fob.

    In addition to this, if your license allows you to modify the objects but not create the fields, you can import the fob and select Merge New to existing to create the fields and then modify the code you need.

    Try it...
  • njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

    Thank you for ur valuable suggestions. But even when i copy the field range from (33000250...) and copied in the NAV 2009 db. when i close the table it gives an error, your program license does not allow.Bcoz due to this fields we have a lot of codings related to the base table.whether i have to contact microsoft regarding this.

    This fieldrange and table is imported into the database for processing the quality control...

    can anyone help me out
  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    Do you have the object in FOB format?
  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267
    kapamarou find a way for you. You can import fields of this range with fob. If you have object in txt format just import to "new database" - with this problematic range in it, then export to fob , and import to your custom database.
  • njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

    1) I have the objects in fob format. In 4.0 SP3 quality control granule is included with the number range of (33000250 ....).
    2)By using Dev toolkit i have compared and merged the objects of 4.0 SP3Base, 4.0 Sp3 cust and NAV 2009 Base.
    3)When i try to import the compared objects to new database(NAV 2009). I get an error ,your program license does not allow to import the field(field is in the range of 3300250)
    4) This field is included in most of the base tables. so when i try to import i am facing the problem???

    Plz give me the solution for this????
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383

    When you import a FOB file into a database, before you hit the "replace all" button tables will have the the "Action" "Merge: Existing <- New". If you let Navision do this the result table will have columns from both the old object and the new one you're importing. Once you have done this you can load your text objects on top without Navision having to create new columns.

    If the merge import throws an error you can try it the other way (New <- Existing) but that's also likely to error too. To fix that you have to clear all code from the existing objects; the dataport below creates a text object that'll do it for you. Obviously none of this works properly with data in the database.
    OBJECT Dataport 70201 Blank Text Tables
        Version List=;
                        StartedAt := CURRENTDATETIME;
                         MESSAGE('Completed in %1', CURRENTDATETIME-StartedAt);
        { PROPERTIES
            DataItemTableView=SORTING(Type,Company Name,ID)
                                    Company Name=CONST(),
                                  FirstFld@1000000000 : Integer;
                                  CurrFile.TEXTMODE := TRUE;
                                  IF NOT Permission.GET(Object.Type, Object.ID) THEN
                                  IF Permission."Modify Permission" = Permission."Modify Permission"::Yes THEN BEGIN
                                    Field.SETRANGE(TableNo, Object.ID);
                                    IF Field.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
                                      FirstFld := Field."No.";
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('OBJECT Table ' + FORMAT(Field.TableNo) + ' Table' + FORMAT(Field.TableNo));
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  OBJECT-PROPERTIES');
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  {');
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('    Modified=Yes;'); // Without this it DELETES objects.
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  }');
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  FIELDS');
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  {');
                                      EnabledFlag := '  ';
                                        CurrFile.WRITE('    { ' +
                                                       FORMAT(Field."No.") + '  ;' +
                                                       EnabledFlag + ' ;' +
                                                       'Fld' + FORMAT(Field."No.") +
                                                       '                  ;' +
                                                       'Integer      }');
                                        EnabledFlag := 'No';
                                      UNTIL Field.NEXT = 0;
                                      CurrFile.WRITE('  }');
                                  CurrFile.TEXTMODE := FALSE;
          StartedAt@1000000010 : DateTime;
          Window@1000000014 : Dialog;
          Field@1000000002 : Record 2000000041;
          Permission@1000000003 : Record 2000000043;
          EnabledFlag@1000000004 : Text[30];

    Or you could try hacking it through SQL. :twisted:
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    thanks Robert for the object

    It will be useful in merging/upgrading db with multiple addons
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116
    Hi rdebath,

    Thanks for ur reply. I have a fob object which range from (33000250...).I have a doubts.

    1) In which database should i have to import this object whether in NAV 2009.
    2) say if i am going to import this object in NAV 2009 then, what will happen when i import the object from the developer toolkit.

    ex: 33000250 obj imported into NAV 2009 db( this no range deals with base tables also)
    a)In item table i have two fields in the range of 33000250 and 33000251.
    b)In developers toolkit i have merged and compared, i have the fourth version where the item table contain these two fields.

    Is it will overrite???????

    I need ur valuable suggestions.....
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    The best way to see what you get is to try it!
    So again ...
    • Create an empty database using the NAV 2009 client
    • Restore the NAV2009 objects
    • Import V4 objects that have special fields using the "Merge Existing<- New" method
    • Import your merged text objects AS TEXT.
    • Compile
    • Fix errors.
    • Repeat until you're sick of it.
    • ...
  • njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

    Thanks for ur reply. As you told i imported the objects which have 33000250 range into the NAV 2009 database. when i import the table Item (27) i am getting the error 'field 71 is not included'. when i check the item table, a variable is used which is related to the table 5902(Service Invoice Line).

    In NAV 4.0 SP3 , the name of the table is Service Invoice Line
    In NAV 2009, the name of the table is Service Line

    The field which is not in NAV 2009 is Document Type, it's the first field in the table Service line.

    How should i have to sort it out. Can anyone help me out???????
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    You need to be more precise if you want someone to help you now.
    What is the exact error message, which of the many different copies of the object are you loading at each stage.
    And so forth.

    But, you seem to be saying you're having problems with the standard fields, presumably in your text object, if so you've messed up the merge. :roll:
    Perhaps you need to buy an application that can show you a proper 3-way comparison like Araxis merge.
  • njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

    I will explain you the scenario.
    1)I have NAV 4.0 SP3 database with customized objects.
    2)In this database they have imported the objects which is related to the quality control. Here the number range starts from 33000250....when they have imported these objects, the fields in the range of 33000250 got imported into the base table like Item,Vendor,Item Journal Line,Prod Order Line
    3) As you told i imported the objects in the range of 33000250 and fields which contain this range table also i imported by using the option Merge:Existin=> New into the NAV 2009 DB.
    4) The Item table couldn't import it throws an error 'Field No 71 does not exist'.
    5) In NAV 2009, the service line table(5902) does not have the field 71
    In 4.0 SP3 , the table name itself is Service Invoice Line(5902)

    This is the scenario . could you plz help me out
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    You need to clear the code (and other references) out of that table, read my first message.
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