Hi Experts!!
How to I view how many orders I have generated till now. In the sales order list we could view only pending orders. I want to view both pending as well as completed orders with the lines amount and the global as well as shortcut dimension attached to it.
Previous versions of NAV did not have the Order Archive, so Orders were just deleted.
NAV 3.60 did not have it. NAV 5.00 had it. Don't know about version 4.
Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : http://clipdynamics.com/ - A new lesson released every day.
Not quite true.
Nav 3.70 and 4 has it. I don't remember about 3.6 but it should.
But that's not a solution. Orders are not always archived and they could be archived more than once.