What You are doing to produce this error? Standard Functionality? Some modifications?
Probably Nav insert new record with existing primary key but why :whistle:
Sorry I dont know how to solve this. I have Similar situation on when posting sales correction (with auto cost) to invoice when someone manualy choose "Appl.-to Item Entry" on invoice. This is diffrent situation, but maybe reason are the same. Try to debug and trace reason of error
the problem occures only when I want to post
Item Reclass Journals
from location A self 1 to location B (has no location bin mandatory is false)
I get the error as described above.
If I post from location A bin code shelf 1 to location A bin code shelf 2
then there is no problem with posting
I do not know what this happend when I book this Item Reclass Journal
I also found out that I only get this message when I Item Reclass Journal line with
Entry type transfer then I get this message when I use Positive Adjmt. Negative Adjmt. it works
so there is something with transfer from location to location
What You are doing to produce this error? Standard Functionality? Some modifications?
Probably Nav insert new record with existing primary key but why :whistle:
to change iventory from Location A to B.
And I get the message when I am posting one single line and this line is not
in the item leder entry jet 6921 is the last numer.
and the primary key is normaly the entry number
so I was wondering what I do wrong?
the problem occures only when I want to post
Item Reclass Journals
from location A self 1 to location B (has no location bin mandatory is false)
I get the error as described above.
If I post from location A bin code shelf 1 to location A bin code shelf 2
then there is no problem with posting
I do not know what this happend when I book this Item Reclass Journal
I also found out that I only get this message when I Item Reclass Journal line with
Entry type transfer then I get this message when I use Positive Adjmt. Negative Adjmt. it works
so there is something with transfer from location to location