Hi folks, I've a flowfield in a table and want to show the content from that field in another field from Item table. In Item table I create this new field as a flowfield also with a "lookup" in "Method" to look for this field.
On run Item table it shows 0, doesn't show me the content but, if you press on the field you go to the form and filter correctly and shows the content, but I don't how to make that outcome appears on the field instead of 0.
Item # <>99999
Qty >0
type of thing.
I did notice myself that if I zoomed
-the value showed as zero but if i added the field to the form it would show correctly.
and that's all I needed so I didn't look further into the displaying zero thing.
I would have thought of looking into using calcfields perhaps in the form or table to get the value if I needed more.
good luck