OBJECT Report 50065 Blanket Purchase Order Main { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=15/12/09; Time=[ 6:48:44 PM]; Modified=Yes; Version List=NAVW16.00; } PROPERTIES { CaptionML=ENU=Blanket Purchase Order MEW; TopMargin=1000; BottomMargin=0; LeftMargin=1000; HorzGrid=210; } DATAITEMS { { PROPERTIES { DataItemTable=Table38; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Document Type,No.) WHERE(Document Type=CONST(Blanket Order)); NewPagePerRecord=Yes; ReqFilterHeadingML=ENU=Blanket Purchase Order; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN CurrReport.LANGUAGE := Language.GetLanguageID("Language Code"); CompanyInfo.GET; IF RespCenter.GET("Responsibility Center") THEN BEGIN FormatAddr.RespCenter(CompanyAddr,RespCenter); CompanyInfo."Phone No." := RespCenter."Phone No."; CompanyInfo."Fax No." := RespCenter."Fax No."; END ELSE FormatAddr.Company(CompanyAddr,CompanyInfo); DocDim1.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Purchase Header"); DocDim1.SETRANGE("Document Type","Purchase Header"."Document Type"); DocDim1.SETRANGE("Document No.","Purchase Header"."No."); 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Discount Amount", PurchLine."Excise Amount",PurchLine."Tax Amount",PurchLine."Service Tax Amount", PurchLine."Service Tax eCess Amount",PurchLine."Total TDS Including SHE CESS",PurchLine."Work Tax Amount", PurchLine."Amount To Vendor"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(PurchLine."Service Tax SHE Cess Amount"); } END; OnAfterGetRecord=VAR StructureLineDetails@1000000000 : Record 13795; BEGIN IF Number = 1 THEN PurchLine.FIND('-') ELSE PurchLine.NEXT; "Purchase Line" := PurchLine; DocDim2.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Purchase Line"); DocDim2.SETRANGE("Document Type","Purchase Line"."Document Type"); DocDim2.SETRANGE("Document No.","Purchase Line"."Document No."); DocDim2.SETRANGE("Line No.","Purchase Line"."Line No."); { IF Number = 1 THEN PurchLine.FIND('-') ELSE PurchLine.NEXT; "Purchase Line" := PurchLine; IF NOT "Purchase Header"."Prices Including VAT" AND (PurchLine."VAT Calculation Type" = PurchLine."VAT Calculation Type"::"Full VAT") THEN PurchLine."Line Amount" := 0; IF (PurchLine.Type = PurchLine.Type::"G/L Account") AND (NOT ShowInternalInfo) THEN "Purchase Line"."No." := ''; StructureLineDetails.RESET; StructureLineDetails.SETRANGE(StructureLineDetails.Type,StructureLineDetails.Type::Purchase); StructureLineDetails.SETRANGE(StructureLineDetails."Document Type",PurchLine."Document Type"); StructureLineDetails.SETRANGE(StructureLineDetails."Document No.",PurchLine."Document No."); StructureLineDetails.SETRANGE(StructureLineDetails."Item No.",PurchLine."No."); StructureLineDetails.SETRANGE("Line No.",PurchLine."Line No."); IF StructureLineDetails.FIND('-') THEN REPEAT IF NOT StructureLineDetails."Payable to Third Party" THEN BEGIN IF StructureLineDetails."Tax/Charge Type" = StructureLineDetails."Tax/Charge Type"::Charges THEN ChargesAmount := ChargesAmount + ROUND(StructureLineDetails.Amount); IF StructureLineDetails."Tax/Charge Type" = StructureLineDetails."Tax/Charge Type"::"Other Taxes" THEN OtherTaxesAmount := OtherTaxesAmount + ROUND(StructureLineDetails.Amount); END; UNTIL StructureLineDetails.NEXT = 0; IF ISSERVICETIER THEN AllowInvDisctxt := FORMAT("Purchase Line"."Allow Invoice Disc."); } END; OnPostDataItem=BEGIN PurchLine.DELETEALL; END; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; SectionWidth=19320; SectionHeight=846; } CONTROLS { { 44 ;Label ;13650;0 ;1680 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rate; DataSetFieldName=Purchase_Line___Expected_Receipt_Date__Control55Caption } { 43 ;Label ;11130;0 ;2520 ;423 ;ParentControl=54; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Purchase_Line___Unit_of_Measure__Control54Caption } { 42 ;Label ;9240 ;0 ;1890 ;423 ;ParentControl=53; HorzAlign=Left; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Purchase_Line__Quantity_Control53Caption } { 41 ;Label ;3570 ;0 ;5670 ;423 ;ParentControl=52; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Purchase_Line__Description_Control52Caption } { 40 ;Label ;1260 ;0 ;2310 ;423 ;ParentControl=51; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Part No.; 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PkgCharge:="Purchase Line"."Charges To Vendor"; TotalExcise:= BEDAmt+ eCessAmt+SHECessAmt; TaxAmt:="Purchase Line"."Tax Amount"; StAmt:="Purchase Line"."Service Tax Amount"; TotalValue:="Purchase Line".Amount+ TotalExcise+ PkgCharge+TaxAmt+ StAmt; RepCheck.InitTextVariable; RepCheck.FormatNoText(NoText,TotalValue,"Purchase Header"."Currency Code"); END; } CONTROLS { { 1000000043;Label ;12600;2115 ;2940 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=No; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Excise Amount } { 1000000040;Label ;12600;2538 ;2940 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=No; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Tax Amount } { 1000000042;Label ;12600;2961 ;2940 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=No; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Service Tax Amount } { 1000000041;Label ;12600;3807 ;2940 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Total Value } { 1000000037;TextBox;16170;1692 ;2520 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=PkgCharge } { 1000000038;Label ;12600;1692 ;2940 ;423 ;ParentControl=1000000037; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=No; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Packing Charge } { 1000000039;TextBox;16170;2115 ;2520 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=TotalExcise } { 1000000044;TextBox;16170;2538 ;2520 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=TaxAmt } { 1000000045;TextBox;16170;2961 ;2520 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=StAmt } { 1000000046;TextBox;15960;3807 ;2730 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=TotalValue } { 1000000048;TextBox;420 ;1692 ;11130;1269 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; SourceExpr=NoText[1] } { 1000000051;Shape ;0 ;4230 ;19110;1269 } { 65 ;Label ;210 ;4653 ;3990 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=TERMS AND CONDITIONS; DataSetFieldName=Ship_to_AddressCaption } { 1000000068;Label ;210 ;5499 ;3360 ;423 ;ParentControl=1000000073; VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=1. Payment Terms } { 1000000069;Label ;210 ;5922 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=2. Excise Term } { 1000000070;Label ;210 ;6345 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=3. Mode of Transport } { 1000000071;Label ;210 ;6768 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=4. Delivery At } { 1000000072;Label ;210 ;7191 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=5. Delivery Instruction } { 1000000073;TextBox;4200 ;5499 ;7350 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=PaymentTerms.Description } { 1000000074;TextBox;4200 ;5922 ;7350 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr="Purchase Header"."Excise Term" } { 1000000075;TextBox;4200 ;6345 ;7350 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=ShipmentMethod.Description } { 1000000077;TextBox;4200 ;7191 ;14490;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=No; SourceExpr="Purchase Header"."Delivery Instruction" } { 1000000078;Label ;210 ;8037 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Remarks: } { 1000000079;Label ;210 ;7614 ;3360 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=6. General Remarks } { 1000000080;TextBox;4200 ;7614 ;14490;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr="Purchase Header"."General Remarks" } { 1000000081;TextBox;210 ;8460 ;9450 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=Remarks1 } { 1000000082;TextBox;210 ;9306 ;9450 ;846 ;FontSize=9; MultiLine=Yes; SourceExpr=Remarks3 } { 1000000083;TextBox;210 ;8883 ;9450 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=Remarks2 } { 1000000084;Shape ;0 ;5499 ;19110;5076 } { 1000000058;Label ;4200 ;6768 ;7350 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=No; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=AT Jamshedpur Works } { 1000000061;TextBox;12390;8883 ;6300 ;423 ;FontSize=10; FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text004 } { 1000000062;TextBox;15120;9729 ;3570 ;423 ;FontSize=9; SourceExpr=Text005 } { 1000000059;Label ;15540;1692 ;210 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=: } { 1000000060;Label ;15540;2115 ;210 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=: } { 1000000063;Label ;15540;2538 ;210 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=: } { 1000000064;Label ;15540;2961 ;210 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=: } { 1000000065;Label ;15540;3807 ;210 ;423 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=: } { 1000000066;Shape ;12600;3384 ;6090 ;423 ;ShapeStyle=HorzLine } } } } } { PROPERTIES { DataItemIndent=3; DataItemTable=Table2000000026; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)); DataItemVarName=Total2; OnPreDataItem=BEGIN IF "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Vendor No." = "Purchase Header"."Pay-to Vendor No." THEN CurrReport.BREAK; END; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=19320; SectionHeight=0; } CONTROLS { } } } } { PROPERTIES { DataItemIndent=3; DataItemTable=Table2000000026; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)); DataItemVarName=Total3; OnPreDataItem=BEGIN IF ("Purchase Header"."Sell-to Customer No." = '') AND (ShipToAddr[1] = '') THEN CurrReport.BREAK; END; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=19320; SectionHeight=0; OnPreSection=BEGIN CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT := "Purchase Header"."Sell-to Customer No." <> ''; END; } CONTROLS { } } } } } REQUESTFORM { PROPERTIES { Width=5060; Height=1540; SaveValues=Yes; OnOpenForm=BEGIN LogInteraction := SegManagement.FindInteractTmplCode(12) <> ''; RequestOptionsForm.LogInteraction.ENABLED(LogInteraction); END; } CONTROLS { { 1 ;TextBox ;3410 ;0 ;1650 ;440 ;CaptionML=ENU=No. of Copies; SourceExpr=NoOfCopies } { 21 ;Label ;0 ;0 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=1 } { 2 ;CheckBox ;3410 ;550 ;440 ;440 ;ShowCaption=No; CaptionML=ENU=Show Internal Information; SourceExpr=ShowInternalInfo } { 3 ;Label ;0 ;550 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=2 } { 4 ;CheckBox ;3410 ;1100 ;440 ;440 ;Name=LogInteraction; ShowCaption=No; CaptionML=ENU=Log Interaction; SourceExpr=LogInteraction } { 5 ;Label ;0 ;1100 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=4 } } } REQUESTPAGE { PROPERTIES { OnInit=BEGIN LogInteractionEnable := TRUE; END; OnOpenPage=BEGIN LogInteraction := SegManagement.FindInteractTmplCode(12) <> ''; LogInteractionEnable := LogInteraction; END; } CONTROLS { { 1900000001;0;Container; ContainerType=ContentArea } { 1900000002;1;Group ; CaptionML=ENU=Options } { 1 ;2 ;Field ; CaptionML=ENU=No. of Copies; SourceExpr=NoOfCopies } { 2 ;2 ;Field ; CaptionML=ENU=Show Internal Information; SourceExpr=ShowInternalInfo } { 4 ;2 ;Field ; Name=LogInteraction; CaptionML=ENU=Log Interaction; SourceExpr=LogInteraction; Enabled=LogInteractionEnable } } } CODE { VAR Text000@1000 : TextConst 'ENU=Purchaser'; Text001@1001 : TextConst 'ENU=COPY'; Text002@1002 : TextConst 'ENU=Blanket Purchase Order %1'; Text003@1003 : TextConst 'ENU=Page %1'; AllowInvDisctxt@1000000028 : Text[30]; OtherTaxesAmount@1000000027 : Decimal; ChargesAmount@1000000026 : Decimal; ProfitCentre@1000000020 : Text[30]; SNo@1000000019 : Integer; TotalAmt@1000000011 : Decimal; PurchHeader@1000000000 : Record 38; eCessAmt@1000000024 : Decimal; SHECessAmt@1000000025 : Decimal; TotalExcise@1000000023 : Decimal; Qty@1000000001 : Decimal; Rate@1000000002 : Decimal; DiscPercent@1000000003 : Decimal; AssValue@1000000004 : Decimal; BEDAmt@1000000005 : Decimal; PkgCharge@1000000006 : Decimal; TaxAmt@1000000007 : Decimal; VatAmt@1000000008 : Decimal; StAmt@1000000009 : Decimal; TotalValue@1000000010 : Decimal; Item@1004 : Record 27; FA@1005 : Record 5600; PaymentTerms@1000000016 : Record 3; ShipmentMethod@1006 : Record 10; SalesPurchPerson@1007 : Record 13; CompanyInfo@1008 : Record 79; PurchLine@1009 : TEMPORARY Record 39; DocDim1@1010 : Record 357; DocDim2@1011 : Record 357; RespCenter@1012 : Record 5714; Language@1013 : Record 8; PurchCountPrinted@1014 : Codeunit 317; PurchPost@1015 : Codeunit 90; FormatAddr@1016 : Codeunit 365; SegManagement@1032 : Codeunit 5051; VendAddr@1017 : ARRAY [8] OF Text[50]; ShipToAddr@1018 : ARRAY [8] OF Text[50]; CompanyAddr@1019 : ARRAY [8] OF Text[50]; PurchaserText@1020 : Text[30]; VATNoText@1021 : Text[80]; ReferenceText@1022 : Text[80]; MoreLines@1023 : Boolean; NoOfCopies@1024 : Integer; NoOfLoops@1025 : Integer; CopyText@1026 : Text[30]; DimText@1027 : Text[120]; OldDimText@1028 : Text[75]; ShowInternalInfo@1029 : Boolean; Continue@1030 : Boolean; LogInteraction@1031 : Boolean; OutputNo@1033 : Integer; LogInteractionEnable@1102601000 : Boolean INDATASET; NoText@1000000012 : ARRAY [2] OF Text[100]; Remarks1@1000000013 : TextConst 'ENU=1. Please mention our purchase no. on all challan and bills.'; Remarks2@1000000014 : TextConst 'ENU=2. Without purchase order no material should be supplied.'; Remarks3@1000000015 : TextConst 'ENU="3. Pre Dispatch Inspection Report /Test Certificate should be sent with every invoice. "'; Text004@1000000017 : TextConst 'ENU=for MEW SUSPENSIONS PVT. LTD.'; Text005@1000000018 : TextConst 'ENU=Authorised Signatory'; Text006@1000000021 : TextConst 'ENU=Jharkhand'; Text007@1000000022 : TextConst 'ENU=India'; BEGIN END. } RDLDATA { } }
Do not put the whole code of Navision into Mibuso. No body will go and read the whole code.
Where Stones can be transformed to Gold
actually i have seen people sending code like this nd this is the text format of the fob that i have sent.