Strange consumption ledger entry

AlkroAlkro Member Posts: 115

I have a strange error.

I have 1 Prod. Order for create 50 Kg of Item1.

In Components, i need 50 Kg of Item2.

There are 50 Kg of Remaining Quantity in this Lot No.:
Lot A - 20 Kg
Lot B - 30 Kg

When i try to post the Consumption Journal i have an error with "Item Item2 is not in inventory", but is a false error, because i have remaining qty.

I put the debugger and the error appears in Codeunit 22, function InsertItemLedgEntry with Lot B.
  IF ItemLedgEntry.Open THEN BEGIN
    IF (((ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type" IN
          [ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.",
           ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Consumption]) AND
         ("Source Type" = "Source Type"::Item)) OR
        (ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type" = ItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Transfer)) AND
       (ItemLedgEntry.Quantity < 0)
      ERROR(Text005,ItemLedgEntry."Item No.");
I watch the ItemLedgEntry line and Navision tries to insert a strange consumption like this:

Entry Type: Consumption
Quantity: -96 Kg
Remaining Qty: -66 Kg
Invoiced Qty: -96 Kg

But in Consumption Journal is 30 Kg for this Lot No.

Anybody had the same problem anytime?

Best Regards.
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